Monday, July 12, 2010

Somebody Needed to Recover

It was Sunday morning July 11, 2010. Chad's birthday. He has been training and dreaming about this particular birthday for almost one year. This day was not about cake or gifts. This day was about my husband doing something that just 10 years ago he physically, emotionally and mentally could not have done.

Chad was up at 4:00 Sunday morning preparing to race in the Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon.

This wasn't his first triathlon, but at Olympic Distance, it was his longest. He will tell you his goal was to finish. And he did. He crossed the finish line with a little help from our daughters and our nephew.

I tend to get emotional anytime Chad crosses a finish line. You see it was just a few years ago that I was just thankful that he made it out of bed and to the office. Chad was diagnosed with Crohn's disease just 7 months into our marriage. He has fought this disease and we are so thankful that today, he is healthy enough to compete and COMPLETE any race. ESPECIALLY one of this distance.

One of the AdvoCare products that Chad has been using after his workouts is Nighttime Recovery.

Let me tell you. Between the heat, Crohn's and a leg cramp during the run portion of the race...he wasn't feeling well when it was over. He got up this morning jumping around with the kids, being his typical chipper self. (I'm NOT the morning person in this marriage!)

He looked at me and said, "Nighttime Recovery is a VERY good thing!" He went on to assure me he wasn't running today, BUT...that he felt like if he really wanted to, he could. He uses Nighttime Recovery but until this morning, I did realize the difference it made.

Is this product something you could benefit from? AdvoCare has listed some questions on the Nighttime Recovery page. I'll ask them here.

Is this you?
Someone who regularly exercises or participates in weight training
An athlete who wants to improve your training regimen
An aging senior who wants to build and retain muscle mass

If you are interested in learning more about this product, please click here.


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